Can You Put an Incinerator Toilet in an RV?

Making sure you have the right kind of toilet in your RV is one of the most important details of confortable full-time RVing. There are plenty of options on the market, from cassette to composting toilets, but there’s another great option: Incinerator toilets!

Incinerator toilets burn your waste to ash, making clean-up incredibly easy and cleaner than many other RV options. These toilets are easily installed in RVs; You don’t need access to water, but you do need a source of power. Incinerator toilets are an ideal choice for anyone looking for a toilet that produces minimal smell and requires little maintenance.  

Here, we’ll unpack why an incinerator toilet is a good choice for an RV, compare two of the top options for the incinerator toilets, and discuss which is the best incinerator toilet for your RV.

Why Do You Want an Incinerator Toilet in an RV?

There are several different popular options for toilets in RVs. These include gravity flush toilets, composting toilets, and a new option that is gaining traction in incinerator toilets. But why would you want to put an incinerator toilet in an RV?

Incinerator toilets are an efficient, hygienic, water-free option for waste disposal in your RV. They are relatively maintenance-free, do not produce much odor, and are less dependent on outside factors than a composting toilet.

Another essential thing to consider while using an incinerator toilet in an RV is that you only use energy when incinerating the waste. Smoke doesn’t get into RVs as they have attached exhaust system.

You also don’t need to hook up plumbing the way you would with other options. 

There Is Less Cleanup Involved With an Incinerator Toilet in Your RV

Incinerator toilets are an excellent option if you don’t want to handle the waste. 

Also, since the waste is burned, there is no longer solid waste, just ash. Having an incinerator toilet in your RV is a good option for people who do not want to physically remove the debris in its solid or liquid state.

A liner is used, so the waste does not touch the actual toilet the way it does with some of the other popular choices for toilets in RVs. The liner prevents any unpleasantries from hanging around on the bowl and allows for much easier cleaning and maintenance.  

After incinerating, the only waste left is about a tablespoon (14.3 grams) of ash on average, which no longer has any bacteria to worry about because it has been burned off. This method of waste removal is another advantage to consider because ash is light and doesn’t take up much room in your RV. 

Very Little Odor Comes From Using an Incinerator Toilet in Your RV

Incinerator toilets do not produce many smells when disposing of waste. Because it is in a controlled and contained setting and any smoke is removed via an exhaust system, you won’t experience unpleasant scents when using an incinerator toilet.

Toilets can often produce unpleasant smells in your RV, depending on the method of flushing used and how long the waste is being stored. 

Thankfully, an incinerator toilet is one of the better options to consider if you are sensitive to foul odors. You’ll want to consider your neighbors, however, as the fumes will escape your RV through an exhaust system that will head outside.

What Is the Best Choice for an Incinerator Toilet for an RV?

There are various options for toilets in an RV, and seemingly more are coming out every year. So when deciding on the best option, you may wonder what the best incinerator toilet is for your RV.

The EcoJohn “TinyJohn” is the best choice for RVs and suitable for boats, vans, and other vehicles because it can run off highly portable propane gas. The Incinolet is also a great choice if you have access to electricity or a generator. 

The EcoJohn “TinyJohn” and the Incinolet are fantastic options for an incinerator toilet for an RV. They are both relatively lightweight, do the best job possible for the type of toilet they are, and produce minimal odor and waste for you to remove. 

The EcoJohn TinyJohn

The EcoJohn TinyJohn is a great incinerator toilet because it allows you to choose how to power the flushing cycle. The unique safety features require less energy than most other leading brands. 

Powering the EcoJohn Tiny John

You can choose from either propane or electricity, which gives you greater flexibility depending on various factors. When traveling in an RV, there are often unexpected circumstances that arise. 

The weather can change instantly and prevent you from being able to plug into an electrical grid. 

You may have a backup generator, but these can come with problems and aren’t always ready to work when you need them to. Having a propane option to power your incinerator toilet is excellent, because when you are on the road, it is always best to have a plan B. 

This flexibility in powering the toilet is crucial because it is the best option for use in an RV, boat, van, or another mobile vehicle. Unfortunately, it is not recommended that you use solar power for these devices as it has not yet been tested thoroughly for that energy source.

Safety Features of the EcoJohn TinyJohn

Safety is something that stands out for the EcoJohn TinyJohn incinerator toilet. The toilet will not flush when the user has any part of the toilet open. Because incinerator toilets burn the waste, this is important because it eliminates the risk of getting burned.

In addition to this, the EcoJohn also tells you the specific problem your toilet has. 

This alert can tell you if there is any mechanical issue and it allows you to diagnose and fix any potential issues before they become more of a safety hazard.

Safety is essential anywhere, but it’s imperative when you are on the go. Access to hospitals may be limited depending on where you are in your RV, boat, or another vehicle, and the safety features reassure you that you will not have an accident while using your incinerator toilet in remote areas.

Energy Required by the EcoJohn Tiny John

The EcoJohn Tiny John only requires an average of 20 W at 12 VDC during the flushing cycle. The energy use is lower than most competing incinerator toilets, which benefits your bank account and the environment.

Because you can run the EcoJohn Tiny John with either propane or electricity, it is essential to note that this is the most efficient model you can find when using electricity. The job is done in an efficient 45 minutes, which is also lower than most other incinerator toilets. 

Saving energy is important no matter where you are, but it is crucial when you are on the go in your RV, boat, or van. Conserving energy allows you to save it for serious situations that you may need it for when traveling across the country. 

The Incinolet Electric Incinerating Toilet

The Incinolet electric incinerating toilet is another excellent choice for your RV. An electric grid or generator best powers it, and it is easy to clean. Another great feature the Incinolet electric incinerating toilet has is an excellent support team.

Powering the Incinolet Electric Incinerating Toilet

You will need an electric grid or generator to power the Incinolet electric incinerating toilet. Unlike some competitors, propane is not an option to control this toilet. 

Ensure that you have access to electricity or a reliable generator when using this product.

When traveling in an RV, people use several sources of power depending on the equipment and what they have access to. In the case of the Incinolet electric incinerating toilet, you must have access to an electric grid or generator as other methods do not support it.

Solar power is becoming a popular choice, but Incinolet advises that you do not use this method of powering their electric incinerating toilet. They also advise against using the bathroom in tiny homes, which may concern some people who are using their toilets in RVs. 

Assuming you follow their installation instructions and have the proper ventilation set up, many people decide to use them on RVs. 

The Incinolet Electric Incinerating Toilet Is Easy To Clean

One great advantage of incinerator toilets is how easy they are to clean. 

The Incinolet prides itself on its electric incinerating toilet being very easy to clean. The waste won’t touch the toilet itself because of the bag system used to store waste before combustion.

If you need to clean the bowl, it is easy to do. Just be sure that your toilet is not connected to a power source for optimal safety. Incinolet recommends that you use a standard household cleaner and a towel, as you would clean a regular toilet.

EcoJohn TinyJohn vs. Incinolet Electric Incinerating Toilet

EcoJohn TinyJohn and Incinolet Electric Incinerating Toilet are the two best options for you when choosing this type of toilet for your RV. After learning about both toilets and their best assets, it is essential to compare the two toilets to see which is the best fit for your RV. 

Here is a comparison of the EcoJohn TinyJohn and the Incinolet Electric Incinerating Toilet:

FAQ EcoJohn TinyJohn Incinolet Electric Incinerating Toilet
Power Source Propane Or Electricity Only Electricity
Cost $3,385.00 $2,249.00
Length Of Flushing Cycle 45 Minutes 90 Minutes Or More
Amount Of Energy Used Per Cycle 20 Watts 2000-3000 Watts
Weight 65 lbs (29.48 kg) 85 lbs (11.33 kg)


After analyzing both products, it is clear that the EcoJohn toilet is the best choice. While it is more expensive than the Incinolet Electric Incinerating Toilet, it is clear that the extra money can provide a good return on investment.

The EcoJohn TinyJohn is the safest option, the most flexible for the power source, and the most efficient incinerating toilet in terms of cycle time and energy use. It is also the lighter option of the two, an important factor to consider when installing it in an RV.

Final Thoughts

Incinerating toilets are a relatively new technology that is becoming a popular choice for people to use in RVs and other areas of their lives.

After looking at the two most popular brands of incinerating toilets, it is clear that the best overall option is the EcoJohn Tiny John toilet. Both are good options to consider when installing a toilet in your RV, as incinerating toilets gain popularity in the RV community.

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